The Time I Learned how the Rainbow Starts.
I’ve had the distinct pleasure of photographing some of London’s most colourful streets, each one unique in its own way, but all similar in its origin. Commonly referred to as Rainbow Rows, streets lined with homes of various colours draw instagrammers, tourists, and lookie-loos all the time. You can often hear people pointing to their favourite colour saying ‘I’ll take that one’ and, admittedly, I’ve done the same - a girl can dream. Recently, though, I’ve wondered more and more how they started, was it a block party gone wild, a neighbourhood meeting, or one lone visionary?
According to a 2017 Londonist article by Harry Rosehill, most rainbow roads sprung up organically off the back of one adventurous homeowner. The article focuses on Falklan Road in Kentish Town where homeowner Judith Peak decided to paint her home turquoise. After talking with neighbours to see how they felt about the colour and getting positive feedback, she went for it. Shortly after, her neighbour fancied a raspberry home. She painted pots in various shades to be considered by her neighbours. She chose the popular colour and made her statement. As time went on, homeowners eager to ‘keep up,’ painted their homes bolder colours as well. Falklan Road’s rainbow houses became so popular that it was designated a conservation area in 2012.
Its fair to say not all Rainbow Roads are equal. Some are bright, bold colours while others are dreamy pastels. This difference can be intentional or the effects of direct sun fading the colours to softer shades.
Notting Hill’s Lancaster Road is one of the more photographed Rainbow Roads and is often what visitors are looking for when they are hunting for rainbows.
The most notable rainbow roads can be found in Notting Hill, Chelsea, Paddington, Primrose Hill, Kentish Town and Camden. Each have their own vibe that reflects the neighbourhood as a whole.
So, it seems all one needs to start a rainbow is a courageous homeowner, peer pressure, and some time. Wouldn’t it be lovely if every community had at least one?